Delta Wolves Technologies
Dynamic Traits
Delta Wolves is the first Free-Mint NFT Project to introduce the concept of Dynamic NFTs & Interchangable Traits
Traits Trading Hub
DW Traits Trading Hub is the first of it's kind, allowing the exchange of traits with control over rarities
Check-In System
DW Check-In System allows holders
to accumulate BETTER tokens and withdraw to Personal Wallet
to accumulate BETTER tokens and withdraw to Personal Wallet
Voting System
DW Voting System will allow the Community and Holders to decide the future of the Project & Development
Coming Soon
Market Place
DW Marketplace will be the first agile marketplace, allowing the community to shape it using Voting System
Coming Soon

Propose new ideas for private votation
Rarer NFT give more Power
Buy & Swap traits for NFT Rarity
Delta Wolves NFT Holders only
Coming Soon
Propose new ideas for public votation
More Tokens give more Power
Check-In & Trade for Tokens
Better Coin Holders only
Coming Soon